Roll Maker is the ultimate tool to make all kind of tubes, tentacles, and wires to be used with any kind of putty or clay.
Depending on your sculpting material you may need to wet repeatedly the plates or your fingers with bit of water to reduce stickiness. Adding talcum powder to water may help with some putties like Green Stuff.
Use a toothbrush to clear any residue from plates if required, and never use wire brushes or metal implements since plates may be damages.
This set includes:
2 large plates
2 medium plates
2 small plates
2 guide bars. Use them to hold the plates and to get an extra 45º position for new textures.
This tool will give you endless of possibilities.
Apple Green - $11.99
Black - $11.99
Blood Red - $11.99
Blue - $11.99
Clear - $11.99
Crimson - $11.99
Emerald - $11.99
Dragon Shield Matte Sleeves
Eucalyptus - $12.99
Lightning - $12.99
Orchid - $12.99
Snow - $12.99
Crypt - $12.99
Glacier - $12.99
Peach - $12.99
Dragon Shield Dual Matte
Extra Dark Green AK11153 - $5.49
Flourescent Orange AK11081 - $5.49
Luminous Orange AK11082 - $5.49
Ruby AK11084 - $5.49
Dead Red AK11083 - $5.49
Cadmium Red AK 11085 - $5.49
Amaranth Red AK11086 - $5.49
AK Interactive Acrylic Colors I
Medium Sea Grey AK11014 - $5.49
Pale Grey AK11013 - $5.49
French Blue AK11166 - $5.49
Anthracite Grey AK11167 - $5.49
Pastel Blue AK11168 - $5.49
Blue Green AK11169 - $5.49
Dark Prussian Blue AK11189 - $5.49
AK Interactive Acrylic Colors II