
Regular price $19.95 Sold out
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    Bean farming was never so much fun! In Bohnanza, you have two or three bean fields and handful of bean cards to plant in those fields. When you sell beans, you earn more for growing more of one variety than a few of several. Thus, you want to plant as many of your favorites as you can. But you must plant the beans in your hand in the order you got them. To get rid of beans you don't want to plant, you trade to other players for those you want. With clever trading, you get the cards you want without helping the other players too much. In the end, the player who earns the most gold is the winner!

    This already expanded game has 11 bean varieties: enough for 7 players, but it also has rules for as few as two. Now everyone can be a successful bean farmer!



    154 Bean Cards

    7 Bean Field Mats

    1 Rule Booklet

    - $19.95

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